6 Brilliant Things People With Emotional Intelligence Do Under Pressure


Emotional Intelligence - it may be the buzz word of right now but there is something in this concept that matters and not just because it has been defined as the number one leadership skill of the future (and now hello!) but also because once you are aware of EI and begin the work of deepening your awareness of it and how it plays out, you are able to reach a higher level of consciousness that quite simply, allows you to reach your highest potential.

Here are the 6 factors from @thriveglobal writer Marcel Schwantes. The article defines each factor, I encourage you to click below and take in the full read, it’s a good one!

  1. People with Emotional Intelligence Respond rather than React.

  2. People with Emotional Intelligence Show up with their Real Selves.

  3. People with Emotional Intelligence Think before they Speak

  4. People with Emotional Intelligence Handle tough Situations better

  5. People with Emotional Intelligence Practice Self Control

  6. People with Emotional Intelligence Look at the Whole Picture

Click below for the full article.


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