Why Feedback F'ing Sucks, but you should probably keep asking for it



It’s been a hot minute! We took a couple of weeks to reset and refresh after the Talent Lab (un) Conference. What an incredible evening it was, it far surpassed any of our wildest dreams. Whether you loved it or thought we were ‘out to fuckin lunch’ thank you for showing up. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being there. It matters.

Reflecting on the (un) conference brings on a ton of mixed emotions: fulfillment, joy and ….well, straight up ANGST to be honest.
The high of our vision coming together so beautifully and then the low of it all being over.
The incredible, supportive, loving feedback we received and then the harsh, mean spirited, and productive raw feedback that also came.

I’ve been sitting with the thought…. Why do we even want feedback? How does it make us better? Why does it sometimes suck to hear? Why doesn’t the positive stuff register? Why does the negative stuff sting like a mo fo?

There were a few times we had to check in with ourselves through this process of coming down from the conference. Here’s what we took away and a practice we will instil for our next post event come down:

  1. Give yourself a few minutes (weeks) to disconnect. Be in the moment, let yourself feel the sense of true accomplishment. Let it in.

  2. Don’t read the feedback straight away.

  3. Decide and be clear on: Whose feedback matters? Who is your target audience? You are not and will never be for everyone and that is a-ok.

  4. Don’t take it so personally.

  5. Remind yourself and each other; it takes real courage and a sweet concoction of bad-assery and purpose to put yourself out there and do something with this life. Be proud of that.

  6. Nature + Family is always, always good for your soul.

  7. When you have space, read the feedback again - let all the good in, read the criticism (without the emotion this time), breathe and set your ego aside. Look for ways to develop yourself and your work always.

And this is why we ask for feedback.
To keep us connected, a dose of humility, continuous self improvement, to highlight our blindspots - (the areas where we are ‘out to f’king lunch’) and to ensure we are always, always keeping sacred meeting the needs of our clientele. You.

Thank you again for coming, for all of the feedback that came, for being with us in this journey, for hoping we win, for giving us the space and grace to figure it out.
We are present to a renewed sense of inspiration, new beginnings and stewing on an idea to shake things up completely.
Stay tuned.

Written by: Tess Sloane, Vice President of Being Out To Lunch / Co Founder, Talent Lab


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