Meet ElevenEleven


A Note to

Our Community

To our community,

Allow us to introduce you to ElevenEleven, a global talent collective.

In life and career, we’re empowered by evolution. We believe in transformation for our people, our clients, and ourselves. As we step into a new future, we want to give you, our loyal family, friends, and supporters, some insight into our change.

The passing of the guard from TalentLab to ElevenEleven was sparked by our need to embrace our new personal circumstances, elevate our professional experience, and create a life we love. A life that values motherhood, freedom, creativity, business, and bliss. After all, this is our promise to our clients, so how could we not live it authentically ourselves?

Fifteen + years of experience in-house and with global talent gave us a newfound appreciation for the untethering of industries, so we decided to shift our business model to catalyze purpose, passion, and career—on a global scale. Our new model allows us to partner with top-tier recruiters across the globe so that individuals and businesses can tap into an international pool of opportunity. We’re connected everywhere, and that’s a beautiful thing.

So why the name change?

11:11 is an auspicious set of numbers representing clarity, intuition, and enlightenment. In numerology, it represents a powerful moment that sparks change. We carry the spirit of 11:11 as agents of change, sparking true transformation.

As we embark on this new journey, we invite you to join us in celebrating a new wave in HR—the paradigm is shifting. Gone are the days of clinical interviews and old-school rules. We believe you can achieve anything from anywhere, so we’re focusing on empowered remote work and unlimited earning potential.

Everyone is entitled to live a life they love, so let’s charge forward together and seize the moment—your time is now.

With gratitude,



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