Wondering Why Your New Hire Resigns Before Probationary Period is Up?


A lot of time, effort and money is put into recruiting and on-boarding your latest hire, so what do you do when they resign before their probationary period is up?! A whopping 30% of new hires will resign within their first three months according to a new survey from JobVite. Considering the resources that go into not only finding your unicorn candidate but then immersing them into your culture, team and role this number is far too high.

So why does this happen?

Forbes outlines the top 3 reasons why your new hire leaves and here they are:

1. 43% said their day to day role wasn't what they expected

2. 34% report that an incident or bad experience drove them away

3. 32% didn't like the company culture

Interesting stats, but now how do you actually prevent this from happening? Read the full article for 4 actionable ideas. 

Forward by Alisha Adams, Co-Founder of Talent Lab


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