5 Hard Hitting Lessons We Learned in 2022

As 2022 comes to a close, we’re looking forward to dreaming of bigger and better things in 2023 for not only Eleven Eleven Talent Collective, but also Chapter Two Meditation. But, before we jump into the new year, we’re taking a look back on our Top 5 Lessons Learned this past year. So, grab a warm drink – or in true Eleven Eleven style, a glass of prosecco – and scroll on to reflect on lessons in business, team building, and personal reflections!

A Lesson on the Ever-Changing Market

We’ve always known that business goes through cycles – and 2022 was no exception to that rule. We went through 6x growth in 2021, and were able to maintain that for a while. A part of us thought we would be able to keep that growth going consistently – low and behold, we had to adjust our plan and course correct our mindset in 2022. We had to determine for ourselves, “What does ‘enough’ look like?”. 

At the end of the day, we chose to be fulfilled instead of chasing arbitrary targets.

A Lesson on Building and Fostering a Team

We’ve been professional recruiters for a collective 30 years and we are still learning the nuances of hiring for our own team, what drives each individual, and what our business needs at different times. We’ve learned that we have to navigate these waters in a way that leaves our team feeling empowered and our business thriving.

Every Founder knows hiring for your own team is one of the hardest things to master and we’re no exception.


A Lesson on Business Priorities

Throughout 2022, we had to shift our focus on which tasks were revenue generating and which were NOT. We learned how to release necessary-yet-repetitive tasks that ate away at our time and weren’t in our zone of genius, and instead, invested in hiring subject matter experts. This has gifted us much of our time back and has allowed us to always be playing into our strengths.

A Lesson on Being in Business Together

Short and sweet – we know it intuitively but we don’t often say it out loud… 

We go further together.


A Personal-To-You Lesson

ALISHA: There is absolutely nowhere I would rather be or anyone I would rather be doing it with than running these businesses with Tess. Even in challenging times, it is so affirming I am in the right place and doing the right thing.

TESS: DITTO! AND - we are absolutely at our best when we are in listening and creation mode.

Well, 2022 – That's a Wrap!⁠

We want to extend a huge thank you to our dedicated team and our roster of all-star clients. Cheers to such a wonderful year working together – here's to bigger and better in 2023!


Tess Sloane & Alisha Adams
Founders | Eleven Eleven Talent Collective


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