3 Practices to Set Up Your Remote Team RIGHT!


As we've discussed before at Talent Lab remote workforces are becoming more and more the norm in a time where technology eliminates the confines of an office. While this can be an exciting development in the workforce landscape, as a manager it often creates some logistical challenges. You want any remote employee to still feel connected to the business, team and culture but how do you ensure this when distance and timezones are at play?

With businesses reporting that 38% of their full time staff will be working remote in the next decade, Undercover Recruiter outlines 3 practices that are easy to implement and will help close the gap:

1. Communicate regularly - This may seem obvious but you need to be connecting with your remote team DAILY. It doesn't have to be a full scale 1:1 but a simple text or instant message can keep your employees motivated and engaged. 

2. Set personal outcome based goals - While you may not be able to measure the hours spent on a project with a remote team you can certainly set goals based on outcomes which in all honesty may be easier to track!

3. Provide the right tools to do the job - Set your remote team up for success with the right technology and tools to be able to connect with clients and colleagues with ease. Invest in a video conference tool that provides seamless connection and make sure you're utilizing internal communication tools such as Slack to the best of your ability.

If trust is ever an issue with having a remote employee then its probably not the right hire, period. Whether they are working in the office or not. This is a trend that is only gaining momentum and is a low cost way to attract top talent, just make sure you are setting up your remote team for success.

Forward by Alisha Adams, Co-Founder of Talent Lab


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