14 Books to Add to Your HR Reading List


With the end of the year nearing and 2019 just around the corner I can’t help but start to think ahead and what 2019 will bring. I have to admit…Talent Lab may have even gotten a bit of a head start on some BIG goals.

  • Talent Lab’s 1st annual planning and strategy offsite - BOOKED.

  • January 15th, Talent Lab’s The Un-Conference - UNDERWAY (Ps. Tickets are live and going fast! Get yours NOW)

So with the excitement around these 2019 initiatives it got me thinking about my own personal goals. One that has been top of mind for me is how I can continue to educate myself both from a personal development aspect as well as a professional one. Simultaneously I am thinking about how I can create more “me time” to really slow down, be still and recharge (this has been increasingly more challenging by the addition of a active toddler and starting a business all in the same year!) With all of this in mind my first 2019 goal has become clear. READ MORE.

Reading has always been a favourite pastime and the first to go when life gets busy. I am committed to reading a book per month going into 2019 (and I’ll hold myself accountable by sharing my thoughts on each book here on the blog!)

Adam Grant’s - Originals is at the top of my list (I started it about 6 months ago and for no good reason didn’t finish it!). What’s at the top of your reading list?

For some inspiration check out Forbes, 14 Leadership Books To Add To Your HR Reading List. Link below.

Forward by Alisha Adams, Co-Founder of Talent Lab


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