9 Productivity Tools for Intentional Work


Feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day can have a major impact on our well being. Good news is, there are tons of useful tools—both mindful and functional, that can increase your productivity and decrease your stress.

We've rounded up our top 9 to keep you inspired and intentional.

Let’s start with an accessible solution in our digitized world: apps. There’s an abundance of digital tools available to keep you organized and producing results. The catch is finding the one that’s right for you.

We’ve curated a few of our go-tos to keep you grounded and grinding:

1. LastPass or 1Password: For keeping track of all your passwords. This one’s a no-brainer, and far more secure than a sticky note.

2. Evernote: To jot everything down and manage your to-do list if pen and paper isn’t your thing

3. Slack: For collaborating and staying connected with your colleagues. With Slack you can find and send work, run a video meeting, and set up bot reminders to keep you on top of things. Plus, they’re a local business, and we love supporting home-grown.

These apps are functional for day-to-day business, but there are a few we love that bring mindfulness into the workplace, increasing productivity through wellness. Studies have shown that stressful situations decrease productivity by 50%, which is all the more reason to include self-care in your daily routine. Our top picks are:

4. Headspace: For calmness and clarity to start your day. With just 10 minute sessions, you choose from an array of guided meditations to set yourself up for success.

5. Plum Village: We’ve mentioned this one before. It’s a total mindfulness platform with guided meditations and timers that remind you to take a moment to be present.

6. Sleep Genius: For staying on top of your sleep. Health and productivity go hand-in-hand, which is why this app, which uses algorithms to help you sleep longer and better, is a favourite.

While apps can be extremely helpful, they have their fair share in adding to the noise of infinite input. Here are few analog ways to stay productive:

7. Practice concentrated breaths: Breathwork is key to de-stressing as it relaxes our parasympathetic nervous system. Calm people = productive people.

8. Go for a walk: Taking a break from project and place can refresh the mind and spark creativity. Getting your body moving stimulates blood flow, which awakens the brain. 3PM slump—you’ve met your match.

9. Vision Board: Keeping your goals in sight is a proven method to achieving them. This might seem old school, but it works. The reason why is that our brains process visualized success with the same vigour as actual success. It’s also an exercise in the law of attraction, which we’re big believers in.

Whichever method you choose to implement, remember that productivity begins with health—in mind and body. From apps to naps and everything in between, de-stressing your day is the first step to intentional work that makes you feel fulfilled, and most importantly, joyful.

ElevenEleven Talent Collective
Your Time Is Now. ™


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