How to Rewire Your Mind For Success - Tony Robbins


Tony Robbins is in the business of breakthroughs. He helps people achieve personal and professional breakthroughs with his wildly popular motivational seminars, his life strategy coaching to CEOs, U.S. Presidents and billionaire hedge fund managers, and writing five internationally acclaimed books, the most recent a New York Times bestseller.’

This article captures Tonys 7 insights in how to rewire your brain to achieve your maximum potential.

  1. Realize Your Purpose

  2. Read Your Numbers

  3. Recognize Your Patterns

  4. Risk Failing

  5. Renew Your Mind

  6. Recharge Your Body

  7. Refresh Your Spirit

Click the link below for more insight and detail in to these crucial areas. Number 3 and number 7 are top of mind for me right now. What rings true for you? Today’s a good day to ask yourself the question.

Forward by Tess Sloane, Talent Lab


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