5 Tips on How to Avoid The Pitfalls of Hiring Someone with 'Charisma'


This one is an ever interesting topic and one we discuss often at Talent Lab. We are big believers in the awareness of bringing humility into how we lead, love and work. What I know for sure is that great work, leadership and relationships all benefit from a sweet dose of humility and grace. It is something that has always been at the forefront of how we run our business and what we choose to put out in to the world.
Which brings us to the topic of Charisma! As Recruiters and HR Professionals charisma is a necessary and natural part of our make up that comes with being part of this world. However, have you ever hired someone oozing with charisma who couldn't back it up with the necessary technical skills or work ethic that you were promised in the interview? I have and I've learnt what questions to ask and where to dig deeper to ensure what you see is what you get.

This article by Undercover Recruiter shares 5 tips on avoiding the pitfalls of charisma (see the full post by clicking below). If you are someone who is leading with humility VS charisma you will:

  1. Put the spotlight on others: make a concerted effort to recognize the achievements of team members and subordinates

  2. Increase self-awareness: actively try to understand your limitations and show a willingness to acknowledge your mistakes

  3. Be open to feedback: a trademark of humility is being coachable, which means opening yourself up to criticism and accepting that your way is not the only way

  4. Check your sense of entitlement: work to earn the respect of your colleagues, don’t automatically assume you are entitled to it

  5. Monitor your self-promoting behaviours: focus on trying to get along rather than getting ahead

Forward by: Tess Sloane, Talent Lab


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