Recruiters Must Read - 3 Tactics that will help you CLOSE Candidates

According to LinkedIn’s Head of Recruiting Brendan Browne, there should be no surprises by the time you are presenting an offer.
“Let’s talk about how to remove all that guesswork,” Brendan says, “and increase your acceptance rate.” In this week’s episode of Talent on Tap, Brendan shares three tactics to help do just that and close candidates successfully:

In Brendan’s opinion if you address these 3 tactics your offer acceptance rates will soar through the roof.

  1. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare - “Number one,” he says, “do you actually know what your candidates want?  Brendan encourages his recruiters to go deeper than just asking a candidate what are their top three motivators. “You need to make sure you truly understand the hopes and dreams and future vision” of your candidate, he says. “What do they really want to do? What is their dream job?”

    In most cases a candidate is looking for something more nuanced and complex than a simple salary bump.”

  2. Instil a sense of urgency - “One thing I see recruiters miss often,” he says, “is the urgency in closing a candidate needs to come from you.”

  3. But don’t make an offer until the candidate is ready - “Every time you’re with a candidate, ask them, ‘Money aside, would you take this job today?’” Brendan says. “Continue to ask that question. Any small pause, any hesitation, any delay in response, say, in an email, is an indication to you as a recruiter that you have more work to do.”

For the full read, click below.

Forward by: Tess Sloane, Talent Lab


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