The most underutilized development resource you have at your fingertips


We've all worked at companies with mentorship programs that typically consist of a seasoned or more experienced employee mentoring a new or less experienced employee. While this traditional approach has proven to be very successful and garner successful results have you considered a REVERSE mentorship program that is designed to develop your LEADERS through mentorship of a younger staff member?!

And when you have the CEO of a wildly successful global company telling you to consider this unique approach you listen right?! Check out Ryan Holmes, CEO of Hootsuite discuss Reverse Mentoring and the 5 areas you can see results in. The best part of it all (besides the low impact to your budget) while the program is designed to support development of leadership you can be sure your younger employee is reaping the benefit of quality time spent with senior management. After reading this blog I'm convinced there's no reason NOT to do this!

Forward by Alisha Adams, Talent Lab


Visualization, Hollywood & 10 million dollars - The Jim Carrey Effect


Don’t hire Dickheads - What the All Blacks can teach us about building high performance teams