A Year In Review, 2018 ~ The good, The bad, The ugly, The awesome


As we bring 2018 to a close, we drew inspiration from our friends at the Corker Co who say “we know that in order to create something remarkable for the year ahead, we need to complete the past – acknowledging the good, bad, ugly, and awesome that happened”. We couldn’t agree more and this year we adopted this practice for the first time.

So over the last week, we truly unplugged, we spent intimate time with our kids + people. We intentionally did not work on our conference or post on social. We took the time to pause, reflect and consider the big questions to close out the year that was 2018.

Alisha Adams, Cofounder, Talent Lab

1. Where did I thrive? 
There are two specific areas of my life where I feel like 2017 has allowed me to thrive or grow. One is when I am working on anything to do with our business. Talent Lab is a company built on values that we lead our own lives with and believe in so deeply and because of this it has empowered me to grow and challenge myself in a way I never have before. The other area of my life is being a mother to my son. Having a child has brought me such a renewed sense of gratitude I have never felt more connected to people as a whole. That includes my husband, parents and support network but also complete strangers – I almost can’t explain it but it has opened my heart in the most unexpected way.

2. Where did I struggle? 
This year I have given everything I have to building a business, raising a human, loving and caring for my family and it has left me with very little to care for myself. I see it showing up, my body and my brain are giving me signals and it is time to listen. I recognize I need to change my mindset that taking time for myself is not selfish and it doesn’t make me a bad mom/wife/friend, it actually will make me better. I know this, now I need to live it.

 3. What lesson am I grateful for learning this year?
I would have to say the one I just said above. Running a business and being a mom while maintaining all the other areas of my life is new to me. I have learned I need to be kinder to myself, give myself space to make mistakes and look after myself first.

4. What habits served me well? Which didn’t?
What’s served me well: Bulletproof coffee, sleep, reading as much as I can and bedtime cuddles with my son.
What hasn’t served me: skipping yoga, over-scheduling myself, staying up too late watching Dateline

5. Where do I want to be / how do I want to feel at the end of 2019? 
At the end of 2019 I want to be running a business that brings value and meaning to others, spending as much quality time with people I love that I can while making self-care a top priority.

Tess Sloane, Co Founder, Talent Lab

1. Where did I thrive? 
I thrived in showing up, in being in the real conversation, in being a present and engaged mother. I thrived in my work with Earls, co creating the next reiteration of Talent Lab and attracting new inspiring women into my life that see the world shifting in the same way I do.

2. Where did I struggle? 
I struggled in creating space for myself, I tried to be a million things for people including taking on their energy, pain and emotions - that did not serve me.

 3. What lesson am I grateful for learning this year?
I learnt how to embrace every part of who I am and settle peacefully into my own skin.
I learnt whose opinions matter and whose do not.
I learnt what it truly takes to show up - for myself and for others - every single day when life is not going to plan.
I’ve learnt to let go. I’ve learnt to sit in excruciating discomfort, i’ve learnt about uncertainty and I’ve learnt how to bring love and laughter into all of those places.
I’ve learnt how to lead with love.
I think the biggest lesson of the year is in the importance of the communities we build for ourselves and how we show up for each other. I am overflowing with gratitude for the people in my life (you know exactly who you are) who sat in the discomfort with me this year and stayed by my side - even when there was nothing to do or say. You were there. There are no words but thank you from the bottom of my heart.

4. What habits served me well? Which didn’t?
What has served me well: Daily meditation, exercise, faith, prayer, introspection, a gratitude practice with Jack and Samuel, expressing myself through writing.
What hasn’t served me: taking on too much, over-scheduling, doing things out of obligation, compartmentalizing parts of my life.

5. Where do I want to be / how do I want to feel at the end of 2019? 
At the end of 2019, I will be in my house, wrapped up in a big cozy blanket with the people I love. I will feel fulfilled, at peace, that I have come so far and I have been of true service and contribution to others.


So that’s us at Talent Lab wrapping up the year 2018! We are beyond grateful for your support this year.

Thank you for hiring us, following our adventures, attending our events and most importantly, choosing to look within, awaken and bring elements of the Human Side of Business to your own companies.

If you would like to do a review of 2018 we used the Corkers reTreat Guide - find it here.

Love and light,

Tess + Alisha
Talent Lab


How To Stay Focused on Your Dreams in 2019 - 3 THINGS


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