From Friend to Manager - Navigating this Tricky Transition


Walking into work on a Monday morning and being greeted by a close friend is bound to improve your work life, in fact, according to Gallup having a best friend at work increases engagement, overall business profitability and customer loyalty.

So what happens when you get promoted and suddenly your “work wife” is reporting into you? This is a common problem for new managers. When Davidson College professor Scott Tonidandel examined 300 first time managers, 60% cited that the transition from BFF to boss was the biggest challenge they faced.

Bill Gentry, Senior Research Scientist at the Center for Creative Leadership helps us break down these barriers as a contributor in Harvard Business Review. Here are the actions you can take to overcome this common challenge.

  1. Be Clear - It may be an awkward conversation at first but set the tone from the beginning with clear expectations and boundaries.

  2. Be Fair - Let go of those personal biases and make decisions based on facts, especially when it comes to bonuses, raises and promotions.

  3. Be aware - Are you spending extra time coaching and mentoring your friend? Or perhaps going with their ideas over others? Know that your team is observing you, ask for feedback if you are unsure!

  4. Be prepared - The dynamic of your friendship is about to change, you can either both adapt and change, or it will end and you will need to move on. Be respectful, you never know who will be leading you one day.

Read the full article below.

Forward by Alisha Adams, Co-Founder of Talent Lab


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