How To Keep A 'Failure Resume' Of All The Jobs And Promotions You Didn't Get


I smiled when I came across this article. How badass would it be to show up to an interview with your ‘failure resume’ and share all of the opportunities you didn’t get + all the times when life kicked your ass. haha

But then of course you get to share what you learnt about yourself from those times, how you grew, how you saw yourself differently, how you unlearnt limiting ways of being, how you tapped in to your leadership and limitless possibility and how you could speak about it with an awareness that only someone who truly loves and accepts themselves can. And those are the people that are the great leaders amongst us. The ones who have scars and roll up their sleeves humbly and show them to you.

“People treat résumés a lot like social media — a place to feature one’s personal highlights, while glossing over the failures and bad memories. But what if we included our failures on our résumés, too?”

It is always so wonderfully disarming to me when somebody shares something real on instagram. Something shitty, unfiltered, un-photoshopped + unedited. When they share a bit of their soul, their pain, their journey.

The only thing it opens up for me is simply more love for them. More openness, more acceptance, more curiosity about them. I think we overlook this magical way to let people in on our journeys and have them on our side, hoping that we win.

So next time you are updating your resume, maybe it’s time to include a more holistic, whole picture of who you are. The good, the bad, the scars.

Take a look at the article below and keep in mind, there is no straight line to success. It’s time to start owning it. All of it.

Forward by: Tess Sloane, Co Founder, Talent Lab


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