Unconscious Bias: What It Is & How Do We Eradicate It – An 11:11 DE&I Resource (Free!)

In celebration of Black History Month and as part of our ongoing commitment to driving the future of talent acquisition to become more diverse, inclusive, and equitable—we’re sharing our guide to Unconscious Bias: How to Identify It and Strategies to Eradicate it During the Interview Process.

Often the hidden factor that is detrimental to the interview process because it skews judgment and therefore creates an unfair and unequal opportunity for the candidate pool — this is a practical guide that employers can use to train their hiring team to first be able to identify it and confront it head-on.

Download our FREE PDF Resource below and share this link with anyone you think would benefit from this information!


Inclusive Job Description Checklist – An 11:11 DE&I Complimentary Resource


11:11 Week Day 4: Intuition – A FREE Resource