Are you on the right career path?


"Everybody has a calling. Your real job in life is to figure out why you are here and get about the business of doing it" - Oprah

Purpose is a word we use a lot at Talent Lab, and there’s a reason for that! To us discovering our purpose, calling or path in life essentially leads us to the thing everyone is searching for…JOY. (that’s the word that resinates with me, but fill in the blank. Happiness, fulfillment, meaning etc etc.)

One of my favourite questions we ask in our interview series, The Moment is “Tell us about the time you knew you were on the right path in your career” Isn’t this what we all what to know?! And what we continually question?! Our purpose is often intertwined within our lives and careers so I love learning about other peoples a-ha moments and seeing the parallels in my own career.

I have pulled a few on my favourites to share and hope these resonate with you as much as they did for me.

Alisha Adams, Talent Lab


"Tell us about The moment you knew you were on the right path in your career…"

Caitlin Wharton, Founder + Creative Director at Trout and Taylor

The moment I sat, interested, in my accountants office discussing taxes. As someone who is openly allergic to Microsoft Excel, I had an out-of-body experience when I saw myself excitedly taking notes with my newfound knowledge. I knew at that moment that if I was engaged in the shit that I used to hate about running a business, then this must be the real deal.

Joe Granato, VP of Talent and Technology at Earls Restaurants

I remember being invited to a dinner function with people way out of my league. I sat across from a founder of global company and between two board members who were current CEOs of major publicly-traded companies. I remember leaving that night feeling high from the level of conversation and intelligence at the table and wondered how the eff I got an invite.

Emily Steger, Director Talent Acquisition at Club Monaco

When I started to interview for my next role, I knew I would be in this career for the rest of my life when I could genuinely answer the questions. What I mean is my experience is completely transferable, I can bring my skills, ideas and thoughts to the interview with ease and communicate what works for me and what motivates me. You get to this point in your career when you can really answer from your past experience and you can hear about challenges the current company may be facing and you know what you can bring to the table and really bring to life the function. That’s how I knew I was on the right path.

Lyn Bryan, Managing Director at 6S Marketing

Deciding to move into digital marketing happened almost by accident. At the time I had just moved to Canada and was open to anything in order to make a start in this city. I soon felt a sense of relief when I realized that through digital marketing I would be able to prove my ideas quickly to clients through metrics and analytics. The ambiguity that came with graphic design and gaining buy in from clients based purely on opinion was taken out of the picture. This was a much better fit for my personality type

To read the full interviews click here!


Purpose Led Businesses: HIKU, iconic, engaging cannabis brands


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