lululemon, Starbucks and 3 others take a STAND on closing the Gender Pay Gap


What an incredible time in history we are living in. Not only is there awareness and conversation but we are seeing serious action being taken. 

'Equal Pay Day is more than a hashtag—it’s a movement'. 

Take a full read of this article and the 5 companies that this year took a STAND on closing the Gender Pay Gap and amended salaries accordingly. 

What is your company up to in this realm? No matter what role you play in the HR world (big or small, leader or non leader), it is your job, your mission to stand for the people. Make no mistake, this is a conversation that you should be bringing to the boardroom table today. 

What I know to be true about companies that are bold enough, courageous enough to take a stand for what they believe in (even when it costs them $$$ in the short term), is that WE (human beings) f'ken love the ability to connect to a purpose greater than ourselves. We will continue to go out of our way to buy a pair of $100.00 stretchy pants and a freakin grande americano misto with soy milk because - what makes our hearts beat, and what allows us to experience connection is people taking a stand. 

Forward by Tess Sloane, Talent Lab


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