Got a Case of the Sunday Night Scaries?! Read THIS.


Sunday mornings are great right?! The sleep-in (if you don't have kids), the coffee, the relaxation. Then mid way through the day you start thinking about your week. The meetings, the deadlines and the to-do list. Why do Sunday's usually end around 4pm as the anxieties of your week to come fully creep in?! Ashli Stockton has created a business called Sunday's Forever that aims to turn your Sunday's around, creating rituals that will start your week off right, free from worry. (*Hint, it might include a really great robe, some candles and a little meditation)

Not only do we love the relaxation products but be sure to check out her blog, The Sunday Issue and learn about how other leaders, entrepreneurs and influencers spend their Sundays. 

Ashli herself is a pretty inspiring entrepreneur leaving her executive job (and pay cheque) to start a business that actually focuses on self-care, ridding yourself of those infamous Sunday night scaries. Forbes asks all the right questions around how she built her business, what Ashli's self-care list looks like and how she found her purpose. 

As entrepreneurs, this business is one to watch. As working professionals with to-do lists a mile long, Ashli's products may just end up in our home.

Forward by Alisha Adams, Co-Founder of Talent Lab


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