11:11 Week Day 1: Creation – A FREE Resource

The Value: Creation

We operate at the harmonic intersection of Western Science and Eastern Philosophy. Our work is based on data, knowledge and neuroscience, with a strong influence of intuition, connectivity and mindfulness. We are constantly evolving and creating our methods and philosophy.

The Purpose

At the beginning of the year, we’re all filled with possibility, feeling rested from the busy holiday season and gearing up for our best year yet! That’s what Creation is all about — let’s introduce scientific and mindful techniques we use to dream big and turn dreams into reality.

Click the button below to download our FREE Downloadable Resource and discover how you can get in and stay in your “creation” flow for the beautiful year ahead of us.


11:11 Week Day 4: Intuition – A FREE Resource


11:11 Week 2022 – 5 Days of Value