11:11 Week 2022 – 5 Days of Value

Let’s start 2022 dreaming big fresh out the gate! 11:11 Week is here and we’re so excited to share our 5 Days of Value with our beautiful community. From January 3 - January 7, we will be sharing one of our core values with you each day, providing a myriad of downloadable resources, hot tips on how to get hired at BIG companies and will be sure to end it with a POP of bubbly to celebrate at the end (stay tuned!).

Stop back each day to discover what we’re sharing and most of all, enjoy!

Day 1 – Creation

At the beginning of the year, we’re all filled with possibility, feeling rested from the holidays and gearing up for our best year yet. That’s what Creation is all about — let us introduce you to the scientific and mindful techniques we use to dream big and turn dreams into reality. Click here to download your FREE Creation Guide now.

Day 2 – Joy

We exist to spark Joy and believe our work is transformational. We’ve interviewed 3 of our amazing clients over Zoom to discuss all about working at these dream companies and sharing the secret sauce on how to land a job at Vitruvi & Nettwerk Music Group. Watch now on YouTube.

Day 3 – Freedom

With a focus on how we’ve collectively shifted as a whole during the pandemic — we’re talking about Freedom and the story of how Eleven Eleven Talent Collective was born. Sit down with Tess and Alisha as they have a conversation about how they got started and defining moments along their journey. Click here to watch on YouTube

Day 4 – Intuition

Do you want to learn how to trust your gut and take conscious risks? We explore how to make good decisions and what people should be looking for when choosing their next move. Your Time is Now – Click here to download your FREE Resource on Intuition.

Day 5 – Prosecco

It only makes sense to end on Prosecco! With the founders popping some bubbly — we reflect on the past 4 days and why rest, celebrating your successes and letting go is the key to living your path to purpose. Head to our Instagram to discover and enter our Day 5 Giveaway now! Ends January 10th at 11:59pm PST.


11:11 Week Day 1: Creation – A FREE Resource


Set Vs. Unlimited Vacation Days – A New Trend on the Rise